
Showing posts from December, 2019

1st semester exam


space object

The new image is of a girl on a billboard. The billboard is very large, and the girl has a blank expression kind of like its surroundings, gloomy and rundown. The size makes it have less meaning because before this new image we didn't know this was a billboard, at least for me it made me think a little bit more to find meaning because it didn't have any surroundings to give us clues. The location of this work is industrial, because of the buildings and construction sites. The title, The Last Girl is a way to reach people that could help other people. This could be a way to raise money for poor kids or for another cause.

Rope Face Response

This image is of a small person climbing a persons face. I think the person climbing the rope is like an idea of the person. The little person is fixing her imperfections or at least the normal sized person wishes. I think this photograph is artistic and documentary because it shows a statement on how the person feels, insecure. And yes, this photograph is photoshopped. Again, i think the person wishes to change her imperfections to be more confident with herself , so the little person climbing it is an idea of the person.