
Showing posts from February, 2020


I think i have done better in not procrastinating. I've gotten all my pictures in before the due date giving me enough time to edit them if needed or make some adjustments to get the picture to were i like it. I have also not chosen my first ideas, i like to come up with many and chooses my favorite as well as the most unique to make sure i'm not doing the same thing as another person.



Past Letter

Dear past self,        I am writing Friday February 21. In order to be successful in your future creative photography class you cannot procrastinate. Procrastinating will get you no where, it may be hard to come up with something as well but there is inspiration everywhere. Also come up with many ideas and pick the most unique one because in many cases no one will come up with the same thing as you. One of my favorite projects that iv'e done is shown at the bottom. I think this was a successful photograph because this image revolves around the color orange and i think it compliments it. I also like that the color orange isn't too empowering and the focus is still on the bird.

The importance of art

Because art links us together, tax dollars should be wasted in things like music and theatre. Art helps us communicate as well as express our feelings in a healthy way. It allows us to see different cultures in many ways be it songs, drawing, or performances. Art also makes us be and think creatively, having a long term effect by giving us the skill of problem-solving.

illusion photograph


What Art? Response

1. Both images have a very relaxed mood as well as facial expression. There posture is leaned back for a more comfortable look. 2.These Photos were created with mostly oil paint maybe photoshop to help control the levels and contrast. 3. The red and warm tones help the photo feel warm and relaxed in both images. 4 I think the author was trying to create something more relaxed and warm. Because of the colors chosen and the posture of the women in the picture, the author was successful.